A family company from the region for the region - everything from a single source
For more than 25 years, we have been in the second generation of the family professionally and successfully in all areas of real estate.
We started out as a family business for our own real estate and then opened our services to third parties upon request.
We are rooted in the region and are committed to and with people. In our team together with the caretaker TLP OHG we give, for example, long-term unemployed people, people with disabilities, in difficult life situations and a migration background a chance and perspective.
Verwaltung heißt für uns - da sein für die Menschen – und einen Ausgleich zwischen allen Interessen erreichen: Mieter, Eigentümer und Dienstleister.
L&K Hausverwaltung-Makler GmbH takes care of the value-preserving management of your property - knowledgeable, reliable and always in agreement with the owner. Starting with the correct commercial handling of the rental property, through the regular technical control of the building's condition, to the careful selection of the tenant that best suits you and the community: We take care of the professional and comprehensive management of your property for you. In cooperation with our subsidiary Hauswart TLP OHG, we can offer caretaker services (including average service) and renovations tailored to your needs, without long waiting times and at fair conditions from a single source.